Monday 25 February 2008

Martin's Expenses

Speaker of the House of Commons Michael Martin has faced alot of criticism over the past few days after details of his list of expenses were leaked.

BBC journalist Nick Robinson used his blog to gather together a list of reasons and theories as to why he has been the victim of so much sniping.

It was reason number four though, that caught my eye the most, mainly because it is a suggestion I have heard in other quarters, not least in the Guardian's politicsblog, by Deborah Summers.

Robinson suggested that, 'Martin is the victim of class-based sneering by elitist journalists'.

Deborah Summers quoted one Lib Dem MP as saying, 'I think a lot of it is snobby'.

It remains to be seen weather or not Martin will be forced to re-sign as certain parts of the media (most notably the Mirror), would like, but for now, it seems that many journalists are treating him as though he has been wronged.

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