Tuesday 4 March 2008

Cameron's lack of cash

Both the BBC's Nick Robinson and Sky News's Glen Oglaza have been blogging today about David Cameron's idea of setting up a commission to look at defence spending.

Oglaza asks the question, 'How is he going to pay for it all?'

Robinson asks the same question in his own blog.

Cameron has promised to increase spending in an number of key areas but like the NHS while also pledging to cut taxes such as inheritance and stamp duty.

However, the deepening crisis in the financial sector suggests taht money will be come increasingly scarce over the next few months and years.

It is interesting to see that both reporters from two of the UK's major news organisations agree on this issue and although both refrain from directly criticising Cameron's economic policies both blog entries paint the Conservative leader in an negative light.

It is also noticeable how much more space Robinson dedicates to the issue than Oglaza. His entry contains 9 paragraph's compared to just 5 from Oglaza, 2 of which are just 1 line long.

1 comment:

Robert said...

I can get him £129 billion today get rid of the think tanks and Browns advisors who are mates, not doing much, the cost last year was £129 billion. also people like myself the disabled should wear a blue star and then removed to gas killing tanks after two years, what a way to say money.